Pregnancy Yoga – 60 minutes Lesson Plan
Introduction / Prayer / Mantra
1.Suxma Vyayama (modified)
Eye exercise in sitting
Block all your sensory organs (eyes, nose, ears, mouth)
Neck Exercise
Shoulders up and down with breathing (Fast or slow)
Fist Movement
2.Sun Salutation – x3 – 10 minutes
Mountain – Tadasana (Samasthiti)
Inhale. Feet wide, at least 1 foot apart. Tail bone in. Fingers reaching up to the ceiling. Eyes gazing up.
Forward fold with hands inside the feet. Knees bend as much as she needed.Make space for the stomach to
come in between legs.
Right leg back
Rest knee on the floor. Tuck the toes if needed. Hands inside the left leg. Gaze forward.
3.Gentle Cat-cow warming up the spine
Tucked the toes for support if needed. Keep eyes open for stability. Knees wide.Inhale,tail bone up,
gaze up,arch the back.
4.Cat-Cow warm up
push into the floor, rounding up the spine as you tuck the tail bone in.
Right leg forward
Both hands come inside your right leg. Gaze forward.
Back leg come forward
Both hands inside the legs. Knees wide and bended. Exhale, drop the head. Make space for the baby.
Come back to High mountain. And then Samasthiti.
5.Squatting against the wall with bolster
Legs wide, back can be against the wall if needed for extra support. Keep your chest open. Can gaze forward. Prayer hands to the heart.
Side bending against the wall
Inhale, come back to center.
Exhale, tilt to the other side. Stretch the side of your body.Inhale as you come back to center.
Triangle against the wall – with chair
Heels and back are touching the wall. Place the chair on one side, turn that side of your foot towards the chair. Slowly lean towards the chair and use it as a support. Feel the stretch along side the other side of your body. Finger tips reaching up. Repeat on the other side.
6.Virabhadrasana II – Warrior 2 against the wall
Sit on a chair, bend your right leg. Feet flat on the floor. Both arms are up shoulder high or on the waist.
Gaze forward or over the front middle finger. Feel the stretch around the hip area.
Repeat on the other side.
Wide legged forward fold
Use two blocks or bolster(s) to support you. Place the props in front of you a little bit wider than shoulder width distance. Heels against the wall. Take a deep inhale, spine straight, gaze forward.
Exhale, forward fold in between the blocks. Make plenty of space for the stomach to come in between legs.
Find yourself in a comfortable seated position with soles of your feet together. Back can be against
the wall for support. Bolster can be placed underneath the sacrum. Gaze can be forward or eyes
closed. Keep your chest open as your breathe.
Seated twisting
Threaded Needle
Threaded needle pose
Supported Bridge
Fish pose
Supported Bridge
Fish with a block underneath the sacrum
Legs up on the wall with bolsters underneath the sacrum. Find full support using the wall. Keep chest open. Can close your eyes or keep them open.
Pranayama (mix 3)
Alternative Nostril Breathing (No retention)
Sanmukhi Mudra
Fish with a block underneath the sacrum
Moolabandha Relaxation
Savasana on the left side with bolster