How Can Yoga Help Cough and Cold

How can yoga help for cough and cold?

Cold and cough are the most frequent and most fundamental disease among the humans. A person frequently suffering from cold and cough is considered less immune. However, these people can …

Best Yoga Poses to Improve Your Memory

Best yoga poses to improve your memory

Humans are said to be the most advanced living organism on this earth for their improved memory power. In fact, among the humans, some people are blessed with a greater …

Can Yoga Help Children with Autism

Can Yoga Help Children with Autism?

Children suffering from autism mostly lack social behavior. They are not as expressive as of a normal child. The prime reason behind the same is that their sensory organs don’t …

how yoga help to increse flexiblity

How yoga help to increase flexibility

No one would ever doubt about the effectiveness of yoga in terms of improving flexibility level of the practitioner. In fact, starting from the top athletes to the celebrity fitness …

5 eye yoga practices to improve vision

Life is nothing without the eyes. The most essential and hardworking organ is however the most sensitive. Hence, it is important for humans to take needful actions for the proper …