Best prenatal yoga poses for pregnant women


Seeing those two lines on a pregnancy kit is bliss. Initially, we all get excited, but as time passes by, the women are taken by the symptoms of pregnancy, and the worries related to it increase. We are fearful of passing this long period of 9 months, but these symptoms, as well as labour pain, can be eased by Yoga. Yoga for pregnant women allows you to enjoy the world of Yoga specially designed for moms-to-be so that you can achieve your fitness goal during this weight gain period.

Why you should do prenatal yoga poses

Prenatal Yoga is helpful if practised daily, and the results are unbelievable. If proper training in continuous practice is undergone, it can have the following:

  • It enhances the function of the organs, balancing the hormonal production, which benefits pregnancy viability and reduces the chances of miscarriage.
  • It improves digestion and immunity.
  • It helps in pelvic floor muscle strengthening, which is helpful during labour.
  • It keeps your mind calm, which is during periods of nausea and vomiting and other secondary symptoms like heartburn, acidity, etc.
  • It strengthens the blood flow to your baby through the placenta, providing all nutrition. Pregnant yoga classes in Rishikesh give you the proper knowledge regarding body changes and how Yoga can help.

Let us see a few prenatal Yoga poses for pregnant women that will help you throughout this period.

Pregnant yoga classes in Rishikesh

  1. Balasana

Balasana is famously known as a child or infant pose. Concentrating on breathing and mild back and shoulder stretching will eliminate the pain and calm your mind.

  1. Eka Pada Kapotasana

Eka Pada Kapotasana, or the pigeon pose, involves sliding the right leg forward so the right knee comes to the right wrist and the right flexed foot is directed toward the left wrist. Then, ease the left leg down to the ground and extend it behind you, keeping the left foot relaxed and the leg internally rotated. This asana works wonders to relax the back muscles.

  1. Uttanasana

Uttanasana forward bending pose stretches the back and opens up the trapped pain within the spinal joints. But don’t forget, to the extent of the pose, only your body’s degree of pain and flexibility.

  1. Upavistha Konasana

Upavistha Konasana is a seated wide-bend asana. Sit with your legs extended straight and spread on the ground. Lean your chest downwards on the ground and your forearms in front of you, and feel the stretch in your hips.

Remember to stay comfortable at every step of any pose. However, since you have a new life growing, be extra careful. Don’t push your limit. If half an hour is enough for you, then be it. You need to do it as per your conviction since your body is already going through chance. Make sure that it is perfect.