What are some of the best yoga poses to help with lower back pain?


Best Yoga Poses to Help with Lower Back Pain

Yoga is one of the finest exercise programs for back pain relief. The positions you presume during yoga sessions are called poses. These poses promote flexibility and strength, two essential components of a healthy body. Lower back pain often comes from muscle pressure and weak core muscles. Many yoga poses for back pain will bring spinal flexibility and tone muscles in the back, stomach, pelvis and buttocks. Some of the famous Yoga for back pain relief are mentioned below:

The Cat and Cow Pose

The cow and cat are two distinct yoga poses typically performed in succession. These yoga poses restore various motions to the spinal joints and engage the muscles in the lower back and stomach.

Steps for Cat and Cow Pose

  • Begin in a tabletop position on all fours.
  • Bend your knees so your hands and hips are aligned with your shoulders. Your spine should be impartial, and your eyes should be pointed downward. Keep your deep stomach muscles engaged from the beginning to the end of the exercise.
  • When positioned appropriately, bend your spine upward, tuck your pelvis under, and let your head down. Do not drop your chin to the chest. Ensure your knees are still allied with your hands and your hips with your shoulders. This is known as the cat pose.
  • Return to your initial position on the gasp. Now, you’ll do the reverse. Raise your chest and your buttocks as your spine bends inward. Your head should be in front. Get back to your initial position as you breathe in. Repeat this cycle 10 to 20 times, depending on your existing level of flexibility and strength.

yoga poses for back pain

Downward-Facing Dog Pose

This pose is a great way to stretch the spine and muscles in the backside of the legs, which are often stretched from sitting. It also stretches the shoulders, upper back, and arms.

Steps for Downward-Facing Dog Pose

  • One can begin a Downward-Facing Dog Pose on all fours in the tabletop position, but with hands in front of the shoulders with your fingers spread out.
  • Get onto the heel of your feet. Start bringing your knees away from the floor. Press your tailbone slightly toward the front of your pelvis as you raise the sit bones and the bones in the buttocks upward toward the maximum.
  • Breathe out as you lower your heels and straighten your knees. From your wrists to your heels, you want to form an upturned “V.”
  • At this position, push your heels and palms into the floor and attempt to elongate your legs and torso further while keeping the sit bones elating toward the top limit. Your head should be placed in the centre between your upper arms.

The Plank Pose

The plank is one of the best exercises for toning your core muscle group.

Steps for The Plank Pose

  • You can begin with the tabletop position. Lower yourself onto your forearms and elbows.
  • Hike your feet back all the way; your shoulders should be straight over your elbows.
  • Rotate your forearms so the side that lines up with your pinky finger is against the floor. Only your forearms, elbows, and feet should now touch the floor.
  • You want to slam to a straight line connecting your head and heels but with the buttocks a little raised.
  • If you are a learner, hold the plank for 10-15 seconds. As your strength increases, you can lengthen the duration to 30-60 seconds.