Eight limbs of Yoga – Hatha


“Unlock Balance and Bliss: Embrace the Path of the 8 Limbs of Yoga.”

Yoga means to yoke, unite, and connect on an internal level. It connects one with one’s true self, known as the ultimate self, divine essence and Atman. In other words, it forms a connection between people and their souls. If you are involved in yoga, you can consider it a freedom, liberation or moksha. To explain more deeply, here are the eight essential limbs of yoga.

Yoga means yoke, unite of to connect an internal level. It connects one with their true self that is known as ultimate self, divine essence and atman. In other words, it forms a connection between people with their soul. If you are involved in the practice of yoga then you can consider it as freedom, liberation or moksha. To explain you in a deeper sense, here are the most essential right limbs of yoga.

  1. Yama

This part is bent toward moral vows, moral disciplines, and restraints. The first limb’s primary concern is the world around us. It also regulates interaction. Yoga can maintain calmness, improve flexibility and strength, and eliminate rigidity and stiffness.

  1. Niyama

The second limb focuses on the observances and positive duration that must be followed. It is about direct duties and maintaining actions on the yogic path. The actual meaning of the word niyama is within or inward. It comprises five pa: saucha, satoshisha, tapas, svadhy,aya and isvarapranidaha.

  1. Asana
    The third part of the eight limits shows the road to freedom. The word is honesty, not some asana. It is more profound than we imagine since it suggests a comfortable and steady body.
  1. Pranayama

This part of yoga is focused on breathing. Breathing can be the flow and collection of the life source at a single point to attain peace. It is meant to attract energy and let it flow to a single point. This single point becomes a focal point to improve focus and concentration.

  1. Pratyahara

The practice of yoga is based on drawbacks, etc. In a sense, it is about withdrawing from the outer world and focusing on the smells, sounds, and sights. It can be asana or some medical practice to gain insight into the inner self.

  1. Dharana

The term is all about concentration. In other words, it mainly focuses on maintaining or holding on to something else. This limb is closely associated with pratyahara and shares common properties with it.

  1. Dhyana

Out of eight limbs, the seventh limb of yoga is mainly focused on meditative absorption. When our body meditates, the focus point of our internal energies is absorbed, and we can spontaneously react to our body.

  1. Samadhi

This is all about enlightenment or bliss, which can take you on a new journey. It can maintain your relationships and self-organization by spreading inner peace to the bottom of your soul. It is about realizing your inner self to get a better life.