How does Pranayama help you?

How Pranayama helo you

Breathing is one of the essential aspects of living for living beings, but to do it with the proper technique, Pranayama is the best way. Pranayama is relatable to people who do Yoga regularly to stay fit. It is called the scientific process of inhalation and exhalation, which boosts oxygen flow in every body part. The word Prana means cosmic energy, which combines all the elements of the universe, and Ayama means the technique of stimulating this force in our body. Those individuals who do Yoga regularly will know the actual benefits of Pranayama.

Here is how to do Pranayama breathing in Yoga

The two simple techniques of Pranayama are:

Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

  1. Sit straight with crisscrossed limbs like Virasana or Easy Pose – Sukhasana.
  2. Start breathing deeply through your mount and feel the air flowing through the windpipe.
  3. Now, exhale the air in a whispering way. You need to retain your throat constriction.
  4. Then, smoothly close your mouth so you can only breathe with your nose.
  5. Feel the sound of breath as it will soothe your mind.
  6. Keep breathing until your chest, ribs, and belly are complete, and then exhale the air completely.

benefits of pranayama

Nadi Shodhna (Alternate Channel Breathing):

  1. Sit in the Sukhasana – Easy Pose, with legs crossed.
  2. Then, place your right thump in such a way that it closes your right nostril entirely.
  3. Then, inhale profoundly through the left nostril.
  4. Then, utilize your ring finger of the same hand to close your left nostril and respire air via the right nostril.
  5. Ensure your left nostril is closed, and breathe via your right nostril.
  6. Now exhale the air via the left nostril while keeping your right closed with the help of your thumb.
  7. Repeat the process more than ten times for accurate results, and gradually increase.

Why do Pranayama?

The following factors reveal the significance of doing Pranayama regularly:

  1. Pranayama helps to stabilize blood pressure and restricts heart disease.
  2. It helps to keep our digestive system well and restricts constipation or digestive problems.
  3. It prevents rapid ageing.
  4. It prevents some irritating health problems from occurring, such as phlegm, mucus and tonsillitis problems.
  5. Doing it regularly will make your gums and teeth healthy.
  6. It keeps oxygen circulation consistent and helps regulate weight by reducing fat.
  7. Pranayam brings peace of mind and hence boosts intelligence power.
  8. It keeps stress, anxiety, and tension away from us and prevents depression, dullness and lethargy from occurring.
  9. With the help of Pranayama Yoga, our body is filled with energy and refreshment.
  10. Pranayama helps expand the lungs, thus enhancing their effectiveness and making them strong.
  11. It brings spiritual happiness and increases concentration power by stabilizing the mind, nerves, and body.

Pranayama is one of the most operative and helpful activities in Yoga. With all its above-mentioned benefits, you can easily keep yourself healthy and free from any reluctant disease. To become calm, composed, and concentrated, you must do Yoga once or twice daily.