Belly fat results in an acute morbid state of excessive fat accumulation. This condition occurs when an individual’s calorie intake exceeds the calories expended in physical exercise over a more extended period.
Reduce Fat through Yoga
Yoga can reduce belly fat very effectively if done regularly and vigorously. Various modifications in the yoga methodology can be done, such as adding a dose of fat-burning exercises, focusing on a particular group of muscles or opting for yoga poses to tone your body. Yoga is a vast practice, ranging from meditation and pranayama to poses. However, if you want to lose belly fat, choosing the correct form that suits your body type is a must that can only be guided by a suitable yoga trainer. Yoga to reduce belly fat class may last as long as 90 minutes and will have extensive workouts that have a cardio effect.
Yoga Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat
Pashimottanasan (seated forward bend)
Technique: Start by sitting erect on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of your body. Exhale slowly and bend forward again. Steadily Stretch out arms, and let them reach as much as allowed by the range of the movement. Inhale slowly and relax. Then, lift the head slightly upward, elongating your spine. Exhale and move the navel towards the knees. Repeat this a few times. Now place your head on your legs and hold the pose there only. Inhale and come up back to the sitting posture with arms stretched out.
Setu Bandhan asana (bridge pose)
Technique: Lie flat on your back and Bend your knees to place your feet on the ground, separating your hips. Arms should rest along the body, with palms facing downwards. Inhale and try to lift your back off the floor. Thighs should be parallel to each other and also to the floor. Mingle up the fingers and push your hands harder to the ground to lift the torso higher. Hold the posture for at least a while. Breathe slowly and deeply. Exhale and release the pose slowly.
Bhujangasana (cobra asana)
Technique: To start the pose, lie on your stomach and place your forehead on the floor. Put your feet together and make them hip-width apart. The pubic bone should be aligned towards the floor to stabilize your lower back. Press your feet actively onto the floor. Inhale and start lifting your head and chest from the floor. Keep the elbows slightly bent and straighten the back muscles.
Anyone can easily practice these Yoga poses for belly fat daily. However, since performing yoga poses can be difficult, you must also manage your diet. A balanced diet and Yoga are the best combination.